1) "STAR"
Try ★ in your scrap book editor box above your Scraps and Write Your Message . A STAR comes up Before ur Message. isnt it Cool.
2) write scraps in reverse order
This code allow you to write scraps in reverse order... more like mirror image llits quite common now but Still
write this code at the beginning of the scrap without quotes "̷
3) see where your friends are located
You can see where all of your orkut friends are located by checking out the new "friends map" feature. This feature combines Google Maps and orkut profiles to let you see where all of your friends live around the world. To see the "friends map," just follow these steps:
1. Click the "view friends" link in the "my friends" box on your orkut homepage.
2. Click the "friends map" tab at the top of the page.
You can click on a friend’s profile picture to see their location on the map. Please know that if we don't have map data for a particular region or if your friend chose not to put their location in their orkut profile, you'll see a message "(not on map)" below their profile name.
You can also click on the "tiny little blue men" to see your friends' locations. By clicking on one of these figures, a bubble will pop open to let you know which friend lives in that location.
While U are singned in at Orkut : click in The Link Below
Or copy and Paste the following in Your Address Bar
4) Colorful scrap
For writing multi colored scrap, follow the steps:
1) Open any scrapbook.
2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.
3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
javascript:cor=new Array('aqua','blue','fuchsia','gold','gray','green','lime','maroon','navy','olive','orange','pink','purple','red','silver','teal','violet', 'yellow' );var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;y
4) Hit ENTER key .
5) Click on Submit
n ur scrap is now multicoloured
5)How to make your name invisible in your profile?
For making your name invisible follow the steps:
1) Click on edit profile
2) Type ALT + 0173 in your first name and last name. (i.e. Type 0173 while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard.)
3) Click on Update
virtually unclickable ! n u are invisible now !!
To expand the display image of any profile
1) Open any profile whose display image you want to expand.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
Follow the steps:
1) Open any profile whose friends' images you wish to double.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
3) Hit ENTER key
Follow the steps:
1) Create a fake account or simply login with ur friends Id.. and add yourself as a friend there.
2) Visit the FRIENDS page by logging into your just created fake account or the Friends account.
3) Point your cursor on the fan icon () beside your real profile. Note your status bar. It should be showing something like javascript:setKarma('FRUS*******/US*******'). Note the code FRUS******* and US******* somewhere. Now, click on the star so as to make your fake account a fan of your real account.
4) Copy the following code to your address bar (The location where you type http://www.orkut.com ). Replace FRUS******* and US******* in the following script with the one you noted in the above step.
5) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard. The page will keep on reloading and your fans will keep on increasing with an approximate speed of 6 fans per second untl you close the window.
These links if clicked redirects the person who clicked to his/her profile..
U can use these in Your Profile like :MY best frnd" and any one who clicks on these links u define will see hes/her own profile.
this will give out d profile:
this will give out the Album :
this will give out the Scrapbook :
javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! luhaR yb dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
copy and paste d Above link On Address Bar.. n replace "luhaR" by ur own Name.. n send it to ur friends
Or u can Manually create Any kind of Alert Box by
copy and paste d above in the address Bar,
javascript:R=-1;DI=document.images;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c){return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;DIS.position='absolute';DIS.left=A(0,7,300);DIS.top=A(1.6,6,150)}setInterval('R++;B(R%DIL)',15);void(0)
Note: You need to be the author/Creator of the topic in the Community to be able to use this .......
First Write Your Message in the Scrap Text Box . After you Are Done with typing your message
Simply Copy and Paste these Links In the Address Bar above the same page( scrapbook page )
javascript:var txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/A/gi,"Å");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/B/gi,"ß");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/C/gi,"©");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/D/gi,"Ð");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/E/gi,"Ë");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/F/gi,"ƒ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/i/gi,"î");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/s/gi,"§");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/o/gi,"ø");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/u/gi,"µ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/r/gi,"®");void(0);
javascript:cor=new Array('u','b','i','u');var z=1;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;y
just creeped to my mind so m sharin wid you.
The best link to setup as your homepage is https://www.orkut.com/GLogin.aspx?cmd=logout
When someone click on this the person will be logged out from his/her orkut session
Bookmark the following link and use it to login into orkut!
The above link directly opens orkut login box! So it is faster than normal orkut login.
This is a much awaited trick on Orkut
very less users know about it
be d one n Impress ur friends !!
here it is
Press alt key and d following 4rm num pad ...
alt + 987 - █
alt + 1 - ☺
alt + 2 - ☻
alt + 3 - ♥
alt + 4 - ♦
alt + 5 - ♣
alt + 6 - ♠
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - ◘
alt + 9 - ○
alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - Ï
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù
the same way many combinations can be tried..
keep trying it and do upload it here as comments
keep posting.
Have you ever wondered how the Orkut "Add to my crush-list" option works?
Most of us are scared to add someone to our crush-list because of the fear that he/she will get a notification from Orkut that you have added him/her on your crush-list.
YES, they will get such a notification. But that is only if they too add you on their crush list. In fact, you both will get a message from Orkut if you both have added each other on your respective crush lists.
This is a fantastic piece of innovation from Orkut wherein one-side crushes will not be notified and if mutual crush exists, then both sides will come to know of it.
Spreading this information is important. It will help the cause of many people and who knows, you may be the lucky one too!!!
So start adding people to your crush-lists now and spreading this vital information!!!
Step1: Open Friends scrapbook
Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type www.mastitrain.com). You will see this address written
Step3: Add this code"&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address. It will look like this http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=12345678987654321&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30
30 over specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.
Right click on the link below n open it in a new window !
click here to write in hindi
22) Here is how to add related community when it fails to show up in search results:
1. Go to your community and click 'Add' button in your related communities section.
2. Search for any community (it can be any, not the community you want to add).
3. When you see results, paste the below text in address bar and press Enter key.
javascript: document.forms[2].relatedId.type='text';
You must be the Author of the post to perform this trick.
Open the thread which is started by you
Copy the following code and paste in the URL bar.
submitForm(document.forms[1],'delete','')", 1000);void(0)
24) See all pictures of album full size at a time
Use This CODE:
javascript:d=document.body.innerHTML; m=d.match
*Method To Use*
Open Andbody's Album You Want To See
Just Paste This CODE & (Press Enter)or(GO)
it works
javascript:R=-1;DI=document.links;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c)
{return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;
create a new profile.
and while u sign up on google account page
first run this script
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements
then run this script
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11]
then write a first name of exacty 200 words. no more
then write the second name of exactly 200 words. no more
thats all.
the purpose of the script is to limit u to 200 so that u wont excede the google limit
+' '+ i;a=submitForm(document.forms[1], 'submit', '');i++",2000);void(0)
same here buddies u have to crawl ur way to run it.. it works n is easy to do so !!
same here buddies u have to crawl ur way to run it.. it works n is easy to do so !!
28) Join Communities in Bulk !!
Just Put Any Community Id You Want To Join For Ex :cmm=18256080
5o,75,100 How Many You Want
And Open Your Scrapbook.aspx?
Paste The code It Will Join All Communities According to Comm Id's Given In The Script
a=document.forms[1]; a.target='f'; setInterval("i++;a.action='CommunityJoin.aspx?
howws Dat!!
Hey there .. ll i was thinking about it from past so long.. but it was really easy just d case it dint strike me..
however here i present dis flawless trick !!
in ur names(first and last)
hold "alt" n while holding it type 0160 4rm da number pads on da write sides..
type this thing in ur first as well as last name...u'll get it
on the first and last name section
while holding down up button press enter +insert button together.
simply erase your picture n u are invisible now !!
whats say??
do post ur comment if u can defy laws and can create some cool trick !!
here are some proxys..
just type in http://www.orkut.com in companies or colleges where its blocked n enjoy
right click and open in a new window.. this is a good tool
31) Delete Topic from a community !!
You need to be the creator of the topic. You NEED NOT be the owner of the community.
Open the topic created by YOU.
Copy the following code and paste in the URL bar.
32) Secret messages : good one
You can send a secret message to your friends from these sites.
Enter any one the following sites. Enter your message in the text box and click ENCRYPT (click it as many times as you want to make it more secure)
Copy the encrypted code and paste it in the scrapbook of your friend. Your friend can copy this code and paste it in the same page and click DECRYPT till he get meaningful message.
Here are the links - Onnet and Crazy Souls.
This is not a secure way as any one can copy the message and decrypt it till they get a meaningful message.
Get 2 know who dominates Orkut ....
U wanna no u are which member 2 join orkut ????
Right click on the profile photo and opt for 'save image as'. You would see a number for your photo, that's the orkut membership no.
Eg. You are 22,335,123.
Here is a tip for all Orkut users… Have you ever tried to access orkut on your mobile browser, or even OPERA MINI. If you have tried, you must surely know what happens……….
Let me tell u for those who have not tried it..
The login box does not appear…. As a result you cannot sign in and therefore, to say as a whole, ORKUT CANNOT BE ACCESSED ON MOBILE!!!!!
But here is a trick for all to ACCESS ORKUT ON YOUR MOBILE.. You need to do nothing, just follow the link-
And you will see that only the login-box appears, just sign in and there you are…
The whole ORKUT at your hands!!!!
If you lose this link,, here is how to get it.. when you open www.orkut.com on your pc. The login box loads in a different frame.., In Firefox, right click on this frame and Select load this frame only, and the link you get for that frame is this link.
Actualy what happens is that we load only this frame and not the others..
35) Scrap All
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It sends scrap to all the friend's automatically.
35)Unlock Any Scrapbook
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all scrapbooks automatically.
36) Unlock Any Album
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all albums automatically.
37) Increase your fans
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It increase your fans within minutes.
38) Show Video Instead Of Profile Picture
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It replaces video with your profile picture.
39) Scrapbook Flooder
Open scrapbook.
Write something in the text box.
Donot press submit
Copy the following java script into the URL bar.
javascript: i=0;nb=document.body.innerHTML.match(/\w+\/\d+\/(\d+).jpg/i)[1];nb1=document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA').item(0).value; document.body.innerHTML+='';window[0].location="http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?&pageSize=30";function nick(){document.forms[1].target="tio";window[0]._checkAll(window[0].document.scrapsForm, 'scrapKeys', true);window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[2], 'delete', '');window[0].location=window[0].document.links[20].href;};void(setInterval(nick,2000))
Hit enter.
Close the window or press refresh to stop the deleting.
45) Message Reverser
Open scrapbook
Write text in text box.
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Now submit the scrap
javascript:alert("Katyal Rocks");msgm=prompt("message");function reverse() { var inp = msgm; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=outp ;}; reverse();
46) Dictionary in orkut
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Write the desired word and get its meaning.
javascript:eval(String.fromCharCode(97, 61, 112, 114, 111, 109, 112, 116, 40, 34, 69, 110, 116, 101, 114, 32, 87, 111, 114, 100, 32, 84, 111, 32, 66, 101, 32, 83, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 101, 100, 32, 73, 110, 32, 68, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 34, 41, 59, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 46, 98, 111, 100, 121, 46, 105, 110, 110, 101, 114, 72, 84, 77, 76, 43, 61, 39, 60, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 61, 34, 97, 114, 115, 104, 34, 32, 119, 105, 100, 116, 104, 61, 34, 49, 48, 50, 52, 34, 32, 104, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 61, 34, 55, 54, 56, 34, 62, 60, 47, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 62, 39, 59, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 91, 48, 93, 46, 108, 111, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 61, 34, 104, 116, 116, 112, 58, 47, 47, 119, 119, 119, 46, 100, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 46, 104, 109, 47, 115, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 95, 102, 117, 110, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 46, 112, 104, 112, 63, 113, 61, 34, 32, 43, 97));void(0)
47) Profile without picture
Use this script while you are in cropping stage
48) Album flooder
Goto http://www.orkut.com/Album.aspx
Then browse pic which u want to flood after selection run this script.
javascript:function devil(){_submitForm(document.forms[1], 'upload', '');}void(setInterval(devil,350));
49) Vibrator in orkut
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:function flood(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 20; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} flood(10);{ var inp = "!!!skcoR llA parcS"; var outp = ""; for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp = inp.charAt (i) + outp ; } alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
Hit enter.
50) Add all to your hot list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addHot&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.
51) Add all to your ignore list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addIgonre&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.
52) Add all ur friends to ur crush list
Open this Page and run the script.
Allow all pop ups of orkut.com
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addCrush&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
53)Empty ur crush list
javascript:i=0;document.body.innerHTML+=';window[0].location="/Marks.aspx?mid=3";function nb(){document.forms[1].target="nobody";window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[1], 'delete', '');};void(setInterval(nb,2000));
54) View UID's of all friends
Copy the script in in friend's list.
Hit enter
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/uid=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 = "";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' + text_LoL[index_1] + '",
'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};document.write(text_LoL_1)
55) View all community ids
Copy the scipt in communities page.
Hit enter.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};
56)Post same topic in selected communities
Paste all the community UID,s in the given format cmm=['42454897','5866948']; (even a comma makes a difference)
Open any non-anonymous community
Type the Subject and Body[colour and smileys allowed]
Run the script and allow all pop ups.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};
You will find the topic(posted by you) in all the selected communities
57) See your signature and token id
Copy the script in scrapbook URL bar and hit enter.
javascript:df=document.forms[1];df.scrapText.value='Signature: ' +df.signature.value+'\nPost Token: '+df.POST_TOKEN.value;void(0)
This code allow you to write scraps in reverse order... more like mirror image llits quite common now but Still
write this code at the beginning of the scrap without quotes "̷
3) see where your friends are located
You can see where all of your orkut friends are located by checking out the new "friends map" feature. This feature combines Google Maps and orkut profiles to let you see where all of your friends live around the world. To see the "friends map," just follow these steps:
1. Click the "view friends" link in the "my friends" box on your orkut homepage.
2. Click the "friends map" tab at the top of the page.
You can click on a friend’s profile picture to see their location on the map. Please know that if we don't have map data for a particular region or if your friend chose not to put their location in their orkut profile, you'll see a message "(not on map)" below their profile name.
You can also click on the "tiny little blue men" to see your friends' locations. By clicking on one of these figures, a bubble will pop open to let you know which friend lives in that location.
While U are singned in at Orkut : click in The Link Below
Or copy and Paste the following in Your Address Bar
4) Colorful scrap
For writing multi colored scrap, follow the steps:
1) Open any scrapbook.
2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.
3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
javascript:cor=new Array('aqua','blue','fuchsia','gold','gray','green','lime','maroon','navy','olive','orange','pink','purple','red','silver','teal','violet', 'yellow' );var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;y
4) Hit ENTER key .
5) Click on Submit
n ur scrap is now multicoloured
5)How to make your name invisible in your profile?
For making your name invisible follow the steps:
1) Click on edit profile
2) Type ALT + 0173 in your first name and last name. (i.e. Type 0173 while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard.)
3) Click on Update
6) Make your Picture invisible in your profile !
In MS Paint, create the smallest image possible and den upload it I.E. 1X1 pic!!virtually unclickable ! n u are invisible now !!
7) Image Expander
To expand the display image of any profile
1) Open any profile whose display image you want to expand.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
8) Double the size of your Friends Image
Follow the steps:
1) Open any profile whose friends' images you wish to double.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
3) Hit ENTER key
9) Increase Fans ( Working Code ) Really Amazing
Follow the steps:
1) Create a fake account or simply login with ur friends Id.. and add yourself as a friend there.
2) Visit the FRIENDS page by logging into your just created fake account or the Friends account.
3) Point your cursor on the fan icon () beside your real profile. Note your status bar. It should be showing something like javascript:setKarma('FRUS*******/US*******'). Note the code FRUS******* and US******* somewhere. Now, click on the star so as to make your fake account a fan of your real account.
4) Copy the following code to your address bar (The location where you type http://www.orkut.com ). Replace FRUS******* and US******* in the following script with the one you noted in the above step.
javascript:function cmd(){window.location="/setkarma?cat=0&val=3&gid=FRUS*******/US*******";}void(setInterval(cmd,2000));
5) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard. The page will keep on reloading and your fans will keep on increasing with an approximate speed of 6 fans per second untl you close the window.
10) Mirror Links
These links if clicked redirects the person who clicked to his/her profile..
U can use these in Your Profile like :MY best frnd" and any one who clicks on these links u define will see hes/her own profile.
this will give out d profile:
this will give out the Album :
this will give out the Scrapbook :
11) A Java Trick that Pops Message " Ur Account Is Hacked"
javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! luhaR yb dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
copy and paste d Above link On Address Bar.. n replace "luhaR" by ur own Name.. n send it to ur friends
Or u can Manually create Any kind of Alert Box by
copy and paste d above in the address Bar,
12) Watch the Pictures With a Snake Effect
javascript:R=-1;DI=document.images;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c){return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;DIS.position='absolute';DIS.left=A(0,7,300);DIS.top=A(1.6,6,150)}setInterval('R++;B(R%DIL)',15);void(0)
13) Negative Posts : u see the Posts in negative numbers
javascript:sar=document.getElementsByTagName('input');document.body.innerHTML+='';document.forms[1].target='NegFlood';omdt_lowposts=setInterval("sar['topicId'].value='';sar['commId'].value='';sar['messageId'].value='';submitForm(document.forms[1],'delete','')", 1000);void(0)
Note: You need to be the author/Creator of the topic in the Community to be able to use this .......
14) Try These Cool Font Generators : Its Easy
First Write Your Message in the Scrap Text Box . After you Are Done with typing your message
Simply Copy and Paste these Links In the Address Bar above the same page( scrapbook page )
javascript:var txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/A/gi,"Å");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/B/gi,"ß");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/C/gi,"©");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/D/gi,"Ð");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/E/gi,"Ë");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/F/gi,"ƒ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/i/gi,"î");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/s/gi,"§");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/o/gi,"ø");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/u/gi,"µ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/r/gi,"®");void(0);
This is the Second One
javascript:cor=new Array('u','b','i','u');var z=1;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;y
15) Lame trick to frustate someone:
just creeped to my mind so m sharin wid you.
The best link to setup as your homepage is https://www.orkut.com/GLogin.aspx?cmd=logout
When someone click on this the person will be logged out from his/her orkut session
16) Speed up Logging to Orkut.
Bookmark the following link and use it to login into orkut!
The above link directly opens orkut login box! So it is faster than normal orkut login.
17) Adding Special Symbols in Scraps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a much awaited trick on Orkut
very less users know about it
be d one n Impress ur friends !!
here it is
Press alt key and d following 4rm num pad ...
alt + 987 - █
alt + 1 - ☺
alt + 2 - ☻
alt + 3 - ♥
alt + 4 - ♦
alt + 5 - ♣
alt + 6 - ♠
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - ◘
alt + 9 - ○
alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - Ï
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù
the same way many combinations can be tried..
keep trying it and do upload it here as comments
keep posting.
18) Crush List On Orkut!! full Explanation
Have you ever wondered how the Orkut "Add to my crush-list" option works?
Most of us are scared to add someone to our crush-list because of the fear that he/she will get a notification from Orkut that you have added him/her on your crush-list.
YES, they will get such a notification. But that is only if they too add you on their crush list. In fact, you both will get a message from Orkut if you both have added each other on your respective crush lists.
This is a fantastic piece of innovation from Orkut wherein one-side crushes will not be notified and if mutual crush exists, then both sides will come to know of it.
Spreading this information is important. It will help the cause of many people and who knows, you may be the lucky one too!!!
So start adding people to your crush-lists now and spreading this vital information!!!
19)View Friends Scrap more Than the Limit
Step1: Open Friends scrapbook
Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type www.mastitrain.com). You will see this address written
Step3: Add this code"&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address. It will look like this http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=12345678987654321&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30
30 over specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.
20) Write scraps in Hindi !
Right click on the link below n open it in a new window !
click here to write in hindi
Go to Quillpad for Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi.
Add More Than 1000 Friend's |
This trick is invented directly by orkut.They just created a Invite a Friend on the home page through that you can add more than 100 friend's. 1.Now: Navigate to - http://www.orkut.com/Invite.aspx.
2.Now Enter Email Addresses to add as your friend(s) - Make sure the members are active on orkut. 3.Enter the captcha. 4.Submit 5.Now: You will see option to add the profiles as your friend just select all the check boxes and all the profiles will be sent request automatically. |
Getting Invisible Name on Orkut - 2 |
You should have a account in Yahoo! mail. Just follow he steps to create a account with no name: Go to www.blogspot.com Register your Yahoo! id there. After registering , on the URL bar , just type www.orkut.com (without closing blogspot) As a result, Orkut will ask you for password ( as Orkut and blogspot are affiliated ) Just enter the password which you registered in Blogspot Now, Loading will start and Orkut will ask you for accepting Terms and Conditions. Accept them Now Orkut will ask you for completing your profile, without doing anything, just type www.orkut.com on URL bar. As a result, a account with no name will be created! |
21) Get invisible |
Description: It makes your first name disappear from Orkut, you can make your last name disappear too! Woh, that would be too great if we can show nothing in Our First and Last names on Orkut! Isn't it? If you too think so, then read on otherwise hit that "close" button of your browser. :P First see some screen shots on how would it appear after you have gone through this post. What You Have to Do: 1. Login to your Orkut Account. 2. Go to this Link “http://www.orkut.com/EditGeneral.aspx 3. Replace your “first name” and “last name” by the thing which is in the box below. ᠌ Oops can't see anything in above box. Well thats how you want your name to be. Just click on above box and press "Ctrl+C". Then go to your "first name" and "last name" column and replace the contents with the contents that you have just copied by pressing "Ctrl+V".That's it! Enjoy. |
22) Here is how to add related community when it fails to show up in search results:
1. Go to your community and click 'Add' button in your related communities section.
2. Search for any community (it can be any, not the community you want to add).
3. When you see results, paste the below text in address bar and press Enter key.
javascript: document.forms[2].relatedId.type='text';
4. You will see a input text box for entering the community ID in the first search result. Now just enter the ID of community you want to add as related community, and click on "add" button.
4. You will see a input text box for entering the community ID in the first search result. Now just enter the ID of community you want to add as related community, and click on "add" button.
23) Decrease count of posts in a community !
You must be the Author of the post to perform this trick.
Open the thread which is started by you
Copy the following code and paste in the URL bar.
submitForm(document.forms[1],'delete','')", 1000);void(0)
24) See all pictures of album full size at a time
Use This CODE:
javascript:d=document.body.innerHTML; m=d.match
*Method To Use*
Open Andbody's Album You Want To See
Just Paste This CODE & (Press Enter)or(GO)
it works
25) Crazy script: !!
javascript:R=-1;DI=document.links;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c)
{return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;
26) Have LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Name .. Best one !!
create a new profile.
and while u sign up on google account page
first run this script
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements
then run this script
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11]
then write a first name of exacty 200 words. no more
then write the second name of exactly 200 words. no more
thats all.
the purpose of the script is to limit u to 200 so that u wont excede the google limit
27)Community Topic Flooder !!
+' '+ i;a=submitForm(document.forms[1], 'submit', '');i++",2000);void(0)
same here buddies u have to crawl ur way to run it.. it works n is easy to do so !!
same here buddies u have to crawl ur way to run it.. it works n is easy to do so !!
28) Join Communities in Bulk !!
Just Put Any Community Id You Want To Join For Ex :cmm=18256080
5o,75,100 How Many You Want
And Open Your Scrapbook.aspx?
Paste The code It Will Join All Communities According to Comm Id's Given In The Script
a=document.forms[1]; a.target='f'; setInterval("i++;a.action='CommunityJoin.aspx?
howws Dat!!
28) Make urself invisible !!
Hey there .. ll i was thinking about it from past so long.. but it was really easy just d case it dint strike me..
however here i present dis flawless trick !!
in ur names(first and last)
hold "alt" n while holding it type 0160 4rm da number pads on da write sides..
type this thing in ur first as well as last name...u'll get it
on the first and last name section
while holding down up button press enter +insert button together.
simply erase your picture n u are invisible now !!
whats say??
do post ur comment if u can defy laws and can create some cool trick !!
here are some proxys..
just type in http://www.orkut.com in companies or colleges where its blocked n enjoy
- www.mathtunnel.com
- www.gravitywars.com
- www.kproxy.com
- www.calculatepie.com
- http://www.anonymizer.com/
30) Scrap Formatter !!
right click and open in a new window.. this is a good tool
click here
31) Delete Topic from a community !!
You need to be the creator of the topic. You NEED NOT be the owner of the community.
Open the topic created by YOU.
Copy the following code and paste in the URL bar.
32) Secret messages : good one
You can send a secret message to your friends from these sites.
Enter any one the following sites. Enter your message in the text box and click ENCRYPT (click it as many times as you want to make it more secure)
Copy the encrypted code and paste it in the scrapbook of your friend. Your friend can copy this code and paste it in the same page and click DECRYPT till he get meaningful message.
Here are the links - Onnet and Crazy Souls.
This is not a secure way as any one can copy the message and decrypt it till they get a meaningful message.
33) This iz d Orkut Statistics Page ...
Get 2 know who dominates Orkut ....
34) How old r u at orkut ?????
U wanna no u are which member 2 join orkut ????
Right click on the profile photo and opt for 'save image as'. You would see a number for your photo, that's the orkut membership no.
Eg. You are 22,335,123.
34)Access ORKUT On Your Mobile Phone or PDA
Here is a tip for all Orkut users… Have you ever tried to access orkut on your mobile browser, or even OPERA MINI. If you have tried, you must surely know what happens……….
Let me tell u for those who have not tried it..
The login box does not appear…. As a result you cannot sign in and therefore, to say as a whole, ORKUT CANNOT BE ACCESSED ON MOBILE!!!!!
But here is a trick for all to ACCESS ORKUT ON YOUR MOBILE.. You need to do nothing, just follow the link-
And you will see that only the login-box appears, just sign in and there you are…
The whole ORKUT at your hands!!!!
If you lose this link,, here is how to get it.. when you open www.orkut.com on your pc. The login box loads in a different frame.., In Firefox, right click on this frame and Select load this frame only, and the link you get for that frame is this link.
Actualy what happens is that we load only this frame and not the others..
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It sends scrap to all the friend's automatically.
35)Unlock Any Scrapbook
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all scrapbooks automatically.
36) Unlock Any Album
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all albums automatically.
37) Increase your fans
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It increase your fans within minutes.
38) Show Video Instead Of Profile Picture
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It replaces video with your profile picture.
39) Scrapbook Flooder
Open scrapbook.
Write something in the text box.
Donot press submit
Copy the following java script into the URL bar.
javascript: i=0;nb=document.body.innerHTML.match(/\w+\/\d+\/(\d+).jpg/i)[1];nb1=document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA').item(0).value; document.body.innerHTML+='';window[0].location="http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?&pageSize=30";function nick(){document.forms[1].target="tio";window[0]._checkAll(window[0].document.scrapsForm, 'scrapKeys', true);window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[2], 'delete', '');window[0].location=window[0].document.links[20].href;};void(setInterval(nick,2000))
Hit enter.
Close the window or press refresh to stop the deleting.
45) Message Reverser
Open scrapbook
Write text in text box.
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Now submit the scrap
javascript:alert("Katyal Rocks");msgm=prompt("message");function reverse() { var inp = msgm; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=outp ;}; reverse();
46) Dictionary in orkut
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Write the desired word and get its meaning.
javascript:eval(String.fromCharCode(97, 61, 112, 114, 111, 109, 112, 116, 40, 34, 69, 110, 116, 101, 114, 32, 87, 111, 114, 100, 32, 84, 111, 32, 66, 101, 32, 83, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 101, 100, 32, 73, 110, 32, 68, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 34, 41, 59, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 46, 98, 111, 100, 121, 46, 105, 110, 110, 101, 114, 72, 84, 77, 76, 43, 61, 39, 60, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 61, 34, 97, 114, 115, 104, 34, 32, 119, 105, 100, 116, 104, 61, 34, 49, 48, 50, 52, 34, 32, 104, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 61, 34, 55, 54, 56, 34, 62, 60, 47, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 62, 39, 59, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 91, 48, 93, 46, 108, 111, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 61, 34, 104, 116, 116, 112, 58, 47, 47, 119, 119, 119, 46, 100, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 46, 104, 109, 47, 115, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 95, 102, 117, 110, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 46, 112, 104, 112, 63, 113, 61, 34, 32, 43, 97));void(0)
47) Profile without picture
Use this script while you are in cropping stage
48) Album flooder
Goto http://www.orkut.com/Album.aspx
Then browse pic which u want to flood after selection run this script.
javascript:function devil(){_submitForm(document.forms[1], 'upload', '');}void(setInterval(devil,350));
49) Vibrator in orkut
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:function flood(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 20; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} flood(10);{ var inp = "!!!skcoR llA parcS"; var outp = ""; for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp = inp.charAt (i) + outp ; } alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
Hit enter.
50) Add all to your hot list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addHot&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.
51) Add all to your ignore list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addIgonre&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.
52) Add all ur friends to ur crush list
Open this Page and run the script.
Allow all pop ups of orkut.com
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addCrush&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
53)Empty ur crush list
javascript:i=0;document.body.innerHTML+=';window[0].location="/Marks.aspx?mid=3";function nb(){document.forms[1].target="nobody";window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[1], 'delete', '');};void(setInterval(nb,2000));
54) View UID's of all friends
Copy the script in in friend's list.
Hit enter
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/uid=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 = "";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' + text_LoL[index_1] + '",
'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};document.write(text_LoL_1)
55) View all community ids
Copy the scipt in communities page.
Hit enter.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};
56)Post same topic in selected communities
Paste all the community UID,s in the given format cmm=['42454897','5866948']; (even a comma makes a difference)
Open any non-anonymous community
Type the Subject and Body[colour and smileys allowed]
Run the script and allow all pop ups.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};
You will find the topic(posted by you) in all the selected communities
57) See your signature and token id
Copy the script in scrapbook URL bar and hit enter.
javascript:df=document.forms[1];df.scrapText.value='Signature: ' +df.signature.value+'\nPost Token: '+df.POST_TOKEN.value;void(0)
I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email(worldcyberhackers@gmail.com)
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